In connection with last year’s Emergency Preparedness Week, MSB sent out the brochure If Crisis or War Comes to 4.8 million households. The brochure was commissioned by the Government and had a major national and international impact. If Crisis of War Comes brings up possible threats to our country, and how people can prepare for handling a situation where society does not work as we are used to. Examples include:
In January 2019, Enkätfabriken conducted a survey on behalf of MSB to see what effects the brochure has had on people’s risk-awareness and preparedness for a crisis. The results show that a majority (63 percent) have begun reflecting more on how they would be able to handle day-to-day life in the event of crisis or war, thanks to the brochure. Young people, aged 18–34, and people over 65 years of age are the groups which have begun thinking about this the most.
“It is good to see that the brochure has made such an impression on so many people, and especially among young people. Reflection is a form of mental preparedness which already makes us better prepared to handle a difficult situation,” says MSB Director-General Dan Eliasson.
At the same time, only 22 per cent have improved their home preparedness after reading the brochure. When asked why they have not made any changes, most respond that they intend to do so in the future (34 percent), and that they think that the risk of a crisis or war is very small (34 percent).
“That final step can be quite big, and the incentives for actually making a change differ from person to person. We must continue to remind people of the benefits of an emergency kit and that it does not require much time or resources. Our next chance to do so is in this year’s Emergency Preparedness Week campaign, 6–12 May,” says Christina Andersson, project manager for the brochure and coordinator for the Emergency Preparedness Week at MSB.
Emergency Preparedness Week is held throughout the country’s many municipalities and aims to make people reflect on how social crises can completely change our daily lives, and on the importance of home preparedness. This year, the campaign is especially aimed at young persons, aged 13–19, to increase their awareness of how crises can affect society and individuals.
Impact measurement of the brochure If Crisis or War Comes 2019.