Aside from emergency food, it is essential that there are other utilities, non-food items that must be stored to complement an existing (or a growing) emergency food storage plan. While it is important to have food storage, there are additional components needed for one to be able to survive.
For one, it is necessary that there is a water source because while one can live for several weeks without food, we cannot last for more than a few days without water. For food supplies that needed rehydration, emergency water is a must. In disasters, water may be hard to go by – especially in certain events like floods that may wipe out clean water supply – so it is vital that one has potable water stored up. But if in the event that you are elsewhere and clean water isn’t accessible, the next best option would be water purification devices, filtration systems or water purification tablets.
The next item that will complement a food storage plan is any type of a food extender, like devices and containers such as food grade buckets and packets such as Mylar bags. For those on food rotation or even those who had on stock fresh produce who wish to keep their food longer (when opened in case of packed food), these will definitely help. Having food placed in these containers and at the same time employing several storage aids like oxygen absorbers and the like, can help keep food edible for a lot longer than it would on normal conditions.
And while it is important to have food for consumption stocked, having other food items such as sweeteners, oils, herbs and spices is also important – as for those having raw ingredients in their food storage for cooking, these items will definitely be used for emergency food.
Aside from items that directly aid food storage, there are several emergency supplies that one will need to have in their home for them to survive. One such product is a first aid kit or a medicine kit – which will help members of the family take care of minor injuries and preventing infection in wounds during emergencies and while waiting for rescue. Toiletries are also essential in as a part of an emergency supply to maintain hygiene.
And emergency supplies will need to have utilities that may become necessary in times of emergency. Ropes, emergency light, pocket knives are such sample utilities that one has to have in an emergency supply. While not necessary now, these items may become useful during a disaster.
A 72-hour pack is an emergency pack that contains several food and non-food items and utilities that one will need in order to survive and emergency over a 72 hour period. Such items in a 72-hour pack are food (freeze dried, dehydrated or similar), water or water purification tablets or water filtration devices, food and water containers, blankets, a tent if possible, and the essential toiletries. Usually, 72 hour packs are packed individually, but one can customize their own 72-hour pack for special needs – adding medicine, special diets and the like to their own packs.
Why is it important to have a 72-hour pack? This goes back to surviving local disasters. Rescue may need a couple of days to arrive, and while that is the case, one will need to keep themselves sustained before that time. It is practical for those who are on the go (and even those who are indoors) that they have a 72-hour pack ready for anything.
Disasters and emergencies don’t pick time and location for them to happen. And disasters can happen when you are at home or traveling, or at work or even outdoors. When this happens, you don’t want to get caught off-guard. While it is essential to have a pack for you and your family at home, it is also important for you to have several packs for places that you might be into when an emergency occurs.
Getting stuck in your car or your workplace may leave you with nothing when your emergency pack is stored in your home, so it is essential that you have at least a 72-hour pack with you wherever you go, so that when disaster strikes, you are ready. And not only it is practical to have one around you, it will keep you secured knowing that wherever you go you are ready to face anything.